番号 | 626 |
著者 | 榎本鐘司 Shoji ENOMOTO |
所属 | 南山大学 Nanzan University |
文献名 | 幕末剣術の変質過程に関する研究−とくに窪田清音・男谷信友関係資料および一刀流剣術伝書類にみられる剣術の一変質傾向について− A STUDY ON THE PROCESS OF THE CHANGE IN QUALITY OF ""KENJUTSU"" IN THE LAST DAYS OF THE SHOGUNATE:Especially considering the metter mainly on the inclination of the change in quality. of Kenjutsu which is stated in the materials related to Sugane Kubota and Nobutomo Odani, and in the documents on Ittoh-ryu(Ittoh school) Kenjutsu. |
分野 | 武道論 |