2013 International Budo Conference by the Japanese Academy of Budo
Date: September 10〜12, 2013
Venue: University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Campus
Organiser: Japanese Academy of Budo
Co-organiser: University of Tsukuba
Support: Nippon Budokan
Special Participant Organisation:
International Martial Arts and Combat Sports Scientific Society (Poland)
Korean Alliance of Martial Arts (Korea)
Forum for Budo Culture (Hungary)
International Association of Judo Researchers (U.K.)
Related International Journal: Archives of Budo
Budogakkai flyer(PDF)
Access to University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba Campus ←Click here
Conference Site Guide Map ←Click here
The conference will be held in the University Hall (M-6 on the guide map) and in building 5C (N-5,6 on the guide map).
To take a bus from Tsukuba Station (Tsukuba Centre), use the University Loop-line On-Campus Bus in the clockwise direction and get off at “Tsukuba Daigaku Nishi”, or take the counter-clockwise direction University Loop-line On-Campus Bus and get off at “Gasshukujo”.
Accommodation Information ←Click here
Budo Gakkai Schedule

※The start time of the International Session on Thursday September 12 is incorrect.
The correct start time is 9.00 am, not 9.30 am.
Symposium “Integrated Science of Budo”
Chair: Yamaguchi Kaori (University of Tsukuba), Alex Bennett (Kansai University) |
Session 1 |
:“Budo Praxis”The Status-quo and Future Issues in Education and Competition |
Presentations: 2 people (20 mins. Each) + Q&A (20 mins.)
Panelists: Abe Tetsushi (Japanese Instructor Teaching in Hungary)
J. Klinger (Non-Japanese Instructor Teaching at the University of Bath, UK)
Moderators: Maesaka Shigeki (NIFS), Honda Sotaro (Fukuoka University of Education) |
Session 2 |
:“Budo Academia” The Status-quo and Future Issues in Research Parameters |
Presentations: 2 people (20 mins. Each) + Q&A (20 mins.)
Panelists: Natural Sciences - Kasugai Atsuo (Meiji University), Humanities - Wojciech J. Cynarski (University of Rzeszów, Poland)
Moderators: Maesaka Shigeki (NIFS), Honda Sotaro (Fukuoka University of Education) |
Session 3 |
: General Discussion “Formation of a Strategic Base for Global Dialogue on Budo” |
Designated Debater: Korean Alliance of Martial Arts (Planned)
Moderators: Yamaguchi Kaori (University of Tsukuba), Alex Bennett (Kansai University)
Symposium — Integrated Science of Budo
Japanese Budo has been successfully propagated throughout the world in this age of globalization. Respected as a competitive sport and as a cultural legacy, Budo has continued to gain a significant following. With this in mind, this symposium aims to provide a model for Budo’s scientific research from a global perspective. Budo studies maintains its originality as a field of academia in which research is conducted with a strong connection to its actual practice, rather than as separate entities. Thus, through the following three sessions it is intended that this symposium will be able provide a bridge between scholarly knowledge and the physical practice of Budo. |
Session 1 |
-“Budo Praxis” |
The first part of the symposium will look at Budo praxis around the world through the eyes of two panelists (a Japanese instructor teaching overseas, and a non-Japanese instructor). Through this session we hope to address the various challenges and difficulties encountered when teaching Budo in a different cultural milieu. |
Session 2 |
-“Budo Academia” |
The second part will investigate how Budo is being conducted around the world as an academic field through the presentations of two panelists specializing in the domains of natural science and the humanities. Starting with the scope of Budo research, tangible issues such as differing research methodology will be examined in this session, which will offer a broad overview of Budo studies internationally. |
Session 3 |
-General Discussion |
Following the presentations given in the first two sessions, we will consider how Budo as a field of academia can explore the various problems encountered in places where Budo is practiced throughout the world. Conversely, we will also reflect on how can findings gleaned through Budo studies can be mirrored in its actual practice based on the opinions of the panelists. We hope that this dialogue will point the way for cooperation between academia and practice in the world of Budo, and demonstrate potential themes for the future. |
Research Presentation Registration
Reception Period:9:00 Monday April 1, 2013, to 17:00 Friday May 17, 2013
※Registration The presentation application period has now finished.
● Persons eligible to apply to present
1. Japanese Academy of Budo Member
Presenters and co-researchers who have paid their membership fees for 2013
2.Presenters from overseas
Budo related researchers
Overseas participants are only required to pay the 5000 yen conference entrance fee. (Enrollment and yearly membership fees to the Japanese Academy of Budo are not required.)
● How to Register
1. First, please register your presentation application, and then submit the presentation abstract from Monday May 20, 2013.
2. Please prepare the following information before registering.
Manuscript title, presentation form, presentation field, names of all researchers, affiliation etc.
3. After carefully reading the explanation accessed by clicking on the "Presentation Application" button below, click on “新規登録はこちらから” at the bottom of that page, and enter or choose the required information.
4. A confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address. If a confirmation email has not been received after 1 day, please contact the Japanese Academy of Budo Conference System Representative.
5. The proceedings are planned to be published before the end of 2013.
・For participants who are presenting in the International Session or the Poster Session, please submit an English manuscript for publication in the proceedings.
・Participants who are presenting in Japanese can submit an English manuscript for publication in the proceedings.
・Domestic and international submissions will be made online. (The application deadline is September 12.)
・Submissions must be in English, with a word length of approximately 900 words (two A4 pages).
・Up to three charts, diagrams, or illustrations may be used. Please adjust the word count to ensure it all fits into two A4 pages.
When making a presentation application, a registration number and password are not necessary.
Presentation applications can be made at the bottom of the linked homepage by clicking on “新規登録はこちらから”.
・In case you have forgotten your password.
・To make amendments to the contents of your registration after the presentation application.
*If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact the Japanese Academy of Budo Conference System Representative.
Japanese Academy of Budo Conference System Representatives
E-mail: budo@soubun.com
*If you have any inquiries relating to the conference, please send to the email address below.
E-mail: m.i.prime@kendo-world.com
Presentation Abstract Registration
・Reception Period:9:00 Monday May 20, 2013, to 23:59 Thursday June 20, 2013 ※Registration The presentation application period has now finished.
1. First, from the “Abstract Template” link below, download the designated style instructions. Please follow them to create a presentation summary.
Please submit the PDF document with the font embedded.
2. After carefully reading the explanation in that link, in the “マイページ” (My Page) area of the top right of the homepage, enter the registration number that you received in the email confirming that your presentation application had been completed, and enter your password decided when registering to login.
3. A confirmation email will be sent to the registered email address. If a confirmation email has not been received after 1 day, please contact the Japanese Academy of Budo Conference System Representative.
4. During the abstract registration period (9:00 Monday May 20, 2013, to 23:59 Thursday June 20, 2013), the resubmission of your presentation summary and amendments to the contents of the subject registration is possible from the registration top page.
・Abstract Template (Word)
(500 words)
・Sample Abstract (PDF)
・How to register an abstract.