top≫Outline of the Japanese Academy of Budo |
A resolution for indefinite strike was declared in response Tokyo University’s medical student protests against working conditions of interns. The idea of this strikes and protests spread to universities around the country, and the Japanese Academy of Budo was established around this time on February 3, 1968.
During the entrance examination season the following year, none of Tokyo University’s faculties offered seats, and as Tokyo University of Education grappled with the transition to become Tsukuba University, only four faculties were open to applicants. The strikes and student demonstrations had a massive impact on education institutes throughout Japan. As a consequence, the newly established Japanese Academy of Budo was branded inaccurately as an organisation seeking to “revive militarism”promoted by a “Budo = right-wing/strike-breaking” agenda.
Amidst this social climate the president of the Japanese Academy of Budo, Shoriki Matsutaro, asserted the need for the academy by stating that “In order to achieve the promotion of youth Budo, we need teachers who are able to adapt to the new era and undergo the highest level of training. The academic study of Budo is an essential part of this objective.”
The 1964 Tokyo Olympics where Judo debuted as an official event raised awareness of Budo in Japan and abroad, and affirmed the meaning of Budo in education creating an opportunity for the placement of Budo faculties at university level. With renewed vigour, high school and university Budo teachers and various Budo organisations began to collaborate to consolidate their ideas.
On August 3 and 4, 1968, the 1st Budo Research Convention was held at the Nippon Budokan. The convention included presentations pertaining to Budo culture from scholars representing varying fields, and a symposium titled “The concept of Budo” was held to explore the significance and role in society of modern Budo. From the second convention onwards, presentations from various fields of inquiry were accompanied by research related to the themes of “The state of school Budo”, “Measures for the promotion of Budo”, “Challenges of Budo in modern society”, “Promotion of Budo in the community”, “Kobudo (classical Budo) and modern Budo”, “Trends and issues in the study of Budo”- and many other issues that Budo faced.
Furthermore, at the 21st Convention held in 1988, the number of research abstracts surpassed a hundred, and it seemed that the event had become so popular that two days would not be long enough. However, with a generational change in the members, the influence of researchers who grew up in the era when Budo participation was banned following the war became more evident in rapid decrease in the number of presentations to almost half of that seen in the Academy’s peak.
As a way to combat an impending crisis in quality and quantity, additional specialist research groups related to individual Budo arts were organised to investigate matters such as “beginner instruction”. Now, Academy membership rests comfortably at around 900 people, with approximately 70 presentations made at each annual convention.
One issue that remains is the small number of female members in the Academy - resulting in a meagre two to three presentations from women scholars each year. As it stands, there are approximately 70 women members - a number that constitutes less than 10 per cent of total membership. From the purview of competitive sport, female athletes such as Judo’s Tani Ryoko are well-known internationally. Similarly, there are many women playing a crucial role as scholars and educators. Given this fact, the Academy hopes to attract more women to its membership from now to make a contribution to the field of Budo studies.
The Academy’s headquarters are located inside the Nippon Budokan, with branch chapters found in Tokyo, Saitama, Yamanashi, Tokai, Kitashinetsu, Kansai, and Chushikoku. The six Budo arts of Judo, Kendo, Karatedo, Kyudo, Sumo, and Naginata are represented by their own subcommittees. After that, a new martial arts subcommittee for persons with disabilities was added, and now we are active in seven subcommittees. Consistent within this structure, and encompassing inquiries concerning the instruction of beginners, research conducted by these affiliated groups continues to probe the fusion of theory and practice.
The Academy is overseen by an Honorary President, a President, and two Vice Presidents; Advisors; and Honorary Members. Management and administration is directed by the Board Chairman and board of 27 Directors - each with specific duties and roles. Under the supervision of the Chairman, the Board of Directors is responsible for the handling of general affairs, accounting, editing, project planning, and public relations. The Directors meet five times per year to discuss action and budget policies. Additionally, a Board of Trustees is in place as a regulatory agency of the Board of Directors, and is responsible for assessing the activities and annual budget/balance sheets, whilst observing items addressed at the Annual General Meeting.
Day to day affairs are managed by the head office located inside the Budokan. Office staff are employed to attend to administrative matters in the office every Wednesday and Friday. The main focus of the Academy is organisation of the annual research convention, and the production of the periodical called the Research Journal of Budo.