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Instructions for Contributors to the Research Journal of Budo |
Research Journal of Budo Submission Rules
I. Rules for Submissions in Japanese
1. Submission Requirement
As a general rule, only the members of the Japanese Academy of Budo are allowed to contribute to the Research Journal of Budo (hereafter, Journal). When the members of the Editorial Committee deem it necessary, however, they may request for non-member contributions.
2. Manuscript Submissions
Submission categories are limited to Reviews, Original Research Papers, Research Notes, papers on Research of Practice and Instruction, Case Studies, and Other Articles, and each submission should be complete in all respects and not published in or submitted to other publications. Papers that have already been published or have been submitted, as well as those that are essentially the same or very similar in content to other papers will be treated as a double-submission and prohibited from publication. However, papers with substantial content in academic conference presentations and proceedings, university graduate, masters and doctoral dissertations (for doctoral dissertations in which the whole text is in the affiliated organization’s repository and not publicly available), as well as papers that summarize research that has received Grant-in-Aid Scientific Research assistance payments, will not be treated as a double-submission on the condition that it is suitably cited in the reference section of the submitted manuscript.
(1) A “Review” must be a summary of major research papers regarding Budo, and should be systematically consistent based on a specific point of view.
(2) An “Original Research Paper” must be a scientific paper regarding Budo both in its content and format. It should present a conclusion based on enough evidence, and should bring new scientific knowledge to light. The structure and the titles of the paper should be appropriate for the applicable field of research.
(3) An “Original Research Paper” must be a scientific paper regarding Budo both in its content and format. It should present a conclusion based on enough evidence, and should bring new scientific knowledge to light. The structure and the titles of the paper should be appropriate for the applicable field of research.
(4) “Research of Practice and Instruction” papers should be based on valuable information collected through Budo instruction, and be practical research related to teaching methods, etc.
(5) A “Case Study” is a detailed analysis of a small number of specific cases, and the report should contribute to the development of Budo.
(6) “Other Articles” refer to book reviews, critiques, commentaries, research trends in and outside Japan, news on related societies, reports by special subcommittees, reports from overseas, etc.
3. Acceptance and Timing of Publication
The Editorial Committee will decide whether to accept or reject a submitted manuscript based on the results of a thesis review by the Review Committee. Manuscripts will be published in the order in which they are accepted for publication.
4. Submission Format
As a rule, manuscripts should be created using Microsoft Word, typed horizontally with black text in Mincho typeface, and the style of Japanese used should be “… de aru”. One original copy and one copy of the manuscripts should be submitted. The first page of the original copy should be a cover sheet stating: (1) the type of manuscript (Review, Original Research Paper, Research Note, etc.); (2) the title; (3) name of author and affiliated institution; (4) main author’s contact information, including name of affiliated institution and address, etc.; (5) three to five keywords. The copy of the manuscript should only have the title and keywords on the cover. As a rule, an electronic version of the manuscript should be emailed to the Japanese Academy of Budo Editorial Office. (The email address can be found on the Japanese Academy of Budo homepage.)
5. Submission Rules
(1) Manuscripts should be no more than 20,000 characters (5,000 words if in English) including text, diagrams, tables, photographs, etc., notes, and references (cover and abstract are excluded). If the manuscripts are longer or authors wish to have diagrams, charts, photos, etc. that require color printing the author(s) should bear that cost.
(2) Reviews and Original Research Papers should be accompanied by an abstract in English. It should state the title of the manuscript, name of author(s), name of the institutions that author(s) belong to, summary, and key words in this order, and must not exceed 400 words in length. It should also have a Japanese translation as well.
(3) As a general rule, diagrams, tables, photographs, etc. should appear in the size they will be printed , and the resolution should be as high as possible.
(4) As a general rule, the number of diagrams, tables, photographs, etc. must not exceed six. One is equivalent to 400 characters (in Japanese) and should be taken from the word count of 20,000 characters. For English submissions, one diagram, table, photograph, etc. is equivalent to 100 words and should be taken from the word count of 5,000 words.
(5) Each diagram, table, photograph, etc. should have a title and number, and notes in the margin in red using the allocated numbers should indicate which illustration or chart should be inserted where.
(6) As a general rule, references should begin with the surname(s) of the author(s) in alphabetic order after the text. The manner in which to write references and notes are stated in the Editorial Committee’s Manuscript Preparation Guidelines.
(7) If separate printing is required, the number of copies required and forwarding address should be indicated in red on the cover sheet. In that case, the author will bear the costs.
(8) Submitted manuscripts published in the Journal will not be returned.
II. Rules for Submissions in English
The same rules apply when submitting manuscripts in English. The manuscripts should be created using Microsoft Word with black text in Times New Roman typeface. Reviews and Original Papers should be accompanied by an abstract in Japanese (including the title of the manuscript, name of author(s), name of the institutions that the author(s) belong to, and a Japanese summary). It must not exceed 800 characters in length.
III. Copyright
The copyright (including rights of reproduction, public transmission, rights to translate, and rights to use derivative works) of the articles featured in the Journal belongs to the Japanese Academy of Budo. However, authors are responsible for the contents of his or her article.
IV. Ethical Considerations
This Journal will only consider papers in which the research has been conducted ethically. In papers in which there are human subjects, if approval has been granted by the author(s) institution and there is an acknowledgment number, please include it in the manuscript. Regarding research in which for some reason or circumstance an investigation by an ethics committee has not been undertaken, in order to make it clear that ethical standards recognized under the Helsinki Declaration, or the “Ethical Guidelines for Life Science and Medical and Health Research Involving Human Subjects” established by bodies such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, have been strictly followed when undertaking research, please include details that demonstrate this in the paper.
V. Authorship
When submitting a manuscript to the Journal, authorship should be determined in accordance with The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommendations (http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/ roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html) and all authors’ contributions (roles) to the manuscript should be clearly stated. The ICMJE recognizes those who meet all four of the following criteria as authors:
(1) Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
(2) Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content; AND
(3) Final approval of the version to be published; AND
(4) Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Supplementary Provision 1: These submission rules can be revised through a resolution at the General Meeting.
Supplementary Provision 2: These submission rules came into force on April 1, 2009.
Revised on July 19, 2014.
Revised on September 5, 2018.
Revised on September 12, 2021.
Research Journal of Budo Manuscript Preparation Guidelines
1. Preparation of Manuscripts
As a general rule, the manuscripts must be created using Microsoft Word and typed horizontally on A4 paper. For Japanese submissions, each page should consist of 40 lines and each line should have 40 full-width characters (use half-width characters for English and numeric characters) with a 3 cm margin on all four sides of the page. The font size should be 10.5 point. For English submissions, margins should be 3 cm on all four sides of the page and the font size 10.5 point.
2. Manuscript Order
The manuscript must have a cover sheet, abstract in English, its Japanese translation, text, acknowledgements (if necessary), author contributions, notes (if needed), reference list, and diagrams, tables, photographs etc. in this order.
3. Cover
List the following information on the cover:
(1) Submission Categories
Please state whether it is a Review, Original Research Paper, Research Notes, Research of Practice and Instruction, Case Study, or Other (book reviews, critiques, commentaries, notes, research trends in and outside Japan, news on related societies, reports by special subcommittees, reports from overseas, etc.)
(2) Title
The title should accurately describe the research theme. Subtitles should follow using a colon (:).
(3) Author’s Name (Affiliated Institution)
Name of the author and the institution to which the author belongs should be written in surname and given name order (for English submissions, this should be in given name and surname order, with the surname written in capitals) and the institution he or she belongs to should be written after his or her name in parentheses. If it is joint research, names of all the authors should be written in order of the main author and co-authors, as well as the names of the institution they belong to, also in parentheses.
(4) First Author’s Affiliated Institution Address, etc.
Details should be written in the following order: postcode, address, email address. (For English submissions, this should be written in address, postcode, email address order.)
(5) Key Words
Key words should accurately describe the theme and characteristics of the article. Three to five key words should be listed both in Japanese and English.
4. English Abstract
An English abstract explaining the gist of the research must always be included in an Original Research Paper. This must also be accompanied by a Japanese translation of the abstract. In the case of Research Notes, Research of Practice and Instruction and Case Studies, the inclusion of an abstract is optional, but the English title, author(s) name(s), and name of affiliated institution(s) should be written in English. English abstracts should be written the following way.
(1) English Title
The first word of an English title should begin with a capital letter, and the rest should be lower case unless they are proper nouns, the first letter of which needs to be capitalized.
Example: A historical study on
(2) Author’s Name and Affiliated Institution
Name of the Author(s) and the Institution the Author(s) Belong to Name(s) of the author(s) should be written in order of given name(s) and surname(s). His or her given name should start with a capital letter but the rest of the letters should be lower case, and the surname should be all capitalized. Names of the institution of affiliation should be written after his or her name in parentheses with the first letters of each word capitalized and the rest in lower case. If it is joint research, first names and surnames of all the authors should be written in order of the main author and co-authors, as well as the names of the institution they belong to, also in parentheses.
Example: Akira ITO
(3) Summary
The summary should not exceed 400 words in length.
5. Format of the Text
(1) Structure of the text and how to format headings
The text should, as a general rule, consist of chapters, paragraphs, sections, and each of the headings should be as follows:
T …… 1. …… (1) ..……
1) …… @ …… a. ……
(2) Pages
The page number should be located at the center bottom of the page, starting on the first page of the text.
Example: - 1 -
Furthermore, on the left side of the body of the text each line should be numbered, restarting on each page.
(3) Numerals
As a general rule, Arabic numerals should be used.
(4) Units of Measurement
As a general rule, the International System of Units (SI) should be used.
(5) Name of an Era and Japanese Units of Measurement
1) Name of an Era
When a name of an era is being used in the text, the Common Era year should also be noted in parentheses as necessary.
Example: Meiji 10 (1877)
2) Japanese Units of Measurement
When Japanese units of measurement are being used in the text, length in meters should also be noted.
Example: 8-Shaku (approximately 2.4 meters)
(6) Abbreviations
If the author(s) decides to abbreviate the terms that are used often in the text, the term should be written in full the first time it appears and should be followed by “(hereafter referred to as ____)” in parentheses.
(7) Notes
Please keep notes to a minimum and use them to clarify explanations in the main body of text, diagrams, tables, and photographs. The relevant section of text should be indicated with i), ii) etc. The notes should be placed directly before the reference list in numerical order under the heading “Notes”.
6. Diagrams, Tables and Photographs
Diagrams, tables and photographs etc. should be prepared according to items I-5 (3)(4)(5) of the Submission Rules.
7. Acknowledgements
Acknowledgements, where appropriate, should be given to those who have made certain contributions in the preparation of the submitted manuscript but who do not meet the criteria for authorship.
8. Authorship
The contribution (role) of each author should be clearly stated. Please use the authors’ initials following the example below.
Author KO, Author FU and Author YM were responsible for conceptualizing the research design and protocols, and Author KK was responsible for data collection and constructing an argument. Author SD was responsible for data analysis and interpretation. The draft manuscript was written by Author TY. All authors critically reviewed, corrected, and approved the submission.
9. Reference List Format
The reference list should be at the end of the text with the heading “Reference List”. As a rule, the reference list entries should be numbered, with the entry numbers being followed by a right parenthesis, and the applicable section of the text should have the same number followed by a right parenthesis. Names should begin with the surname(s) of the author(s) and be in alphabetical order. For humanities and social sciences papers, applicable sections of the text should be numbered in order, with the entry numbers being followed by a right parenthesis, and then the reference information appearing at the end of the text in number order. As a general rule, reference list entries should be written in the following formats:
(1) Journals (Periodicals)
Name(s) of the author(s), title, name of the journal, volume number, pages, and publication year.
(2) Books
Name(s) of the author(s), name of the book (with edition number), name of the publisher, place of publication, pages, and publication year.
(3) Websites
Name(s) of the author(s), webpage title, publication date, URL, and (date accessed).
If there are multiple authors, separate the names with a middle dot (・) if it is in Japanese, and use ‘and’ if it is in English. If there are three or more names to list in English, use a comma to separate each name until the last name where you insert ‘and.’. Please specify if the book is an edited volume of different papers, and if the cited section cannot be specified, please omit the page number. When citing from a collected work, after the title of the paper or chapter, please write information about the edition. After the name of the editor, write (Ed.), or (Eds.) if there is more than one. If citing a webpage or a PDF published on a webpage, please write the URL and the date it was accessed, and save the contents.
Please see the sample reference list below for further details on writing references:
1)和田崇:剣道用具の生産・流通システムの変化と材料産地の対応,武道学研究,50 (3):135-147,2018.
2)山本浩二・島本好平・永木耕介:柔道授業の初習段階における学習順序の違いが生徒の学習成果に及ぼす影響,武道学研究,50 (3):149-158,2018.
3)Vanltallie TB, Yang MU, Heymsfield SB, Funk RC and Boileau RA: Height-normalized indices of the body's fat-free mass and fat mass: potentially useful indicators of nutritional status, Am J Clin Nutr, 52 (6): 953-959, 1990.
6)Powers SK and Howley ET (Eds.): Exercise physiology (8th ed), McGraw-hill, New York: 2012.
8)Landers DM and Boutcher SH: Arousal-performance relationships. In: Williams JM (Ed.), Applied sport psychology: personal growth to peak performance (6th ed), Mayfield, California: 197-218, 1998.
9)レイティ・ヘイガーマン:野中香方子訳,脳を鍛えるには運動しかない!, NHK出版,東京:2009. <Ratey JJ and Hagerman E: Spark, Little, Brown and Company, New York>
10)Eric H and Terence R (Eds.) : translated by Maekawa K and Kajiwara K, The invention of tradition (8th ed), Kinokuniyashoten, Tokyo: 1992.
10. Manuscripts in English
When submitting manuscripts in English the same rules apply as for submitting manuscripts in Japanese. Reviews and Original Research Papers should be accompanied by an abstract in Japanese, which states the title of the manuscript, name of author(s), name of the institution(s) that the author(s) belong to, and a summary in Japanese. It must not exceed 800 characters in length.
These manuscript preparation guidelines came into force on April 1, 2009.
Revised on July 19, 2014.
Revised on September 5, 2018.
Revised on September 12, 2021.
Supplementary Provision: Revisions to the Manuscript Preparation Guidelines are made by the Editorial Committee and reported to the Board of Directors.
Research Journal of Budo Manuscript Reviewing Guidelines
The guidelines for reviewing manuscripts submitted for the Research Journal of Budo are set as follows:
1. Selection of Reviewers and Review Period
The Editorial Committee selects the reviewers based on the category of review the contributor wants.
(1) Two reviewers will be selected for Reviews, Original Research Papers and Research Notes.
(2) One reviewer will be selected for Research of Practice and Instruction and Case Studies.
(3) Other Articles (book reviews, critiques, commentaries, notes, research trends in and outside Japan, news on related societies, reports by special subcommittees, reports from overseas, etc.) will be reviewed by the Editorial Committee.
(4) Referees may be members or non-members. Except in the case of 1 - (3) above, Editorial Committee members cannot be chosen as a referee.
(5) As a rule, the review period for newly submitted papers is four weeks. For papers re-submitted after corrections have been made, as a rule, the re-review period is three weeks.
2. Decision of the Reviewers
After reviewing, manuscripts will be put into four categories; A (approved for publication), B (will be reviewed after correction), C (not approved for publication) and D (impossible to review).
(1) A means the manuscripts have no mistakes and are ready to be published.
(2) B means the manuscripts have minor mistakes that need to be corrected, and another review after the corrections is required.
(3) C means the manuscripts have problems that are difficult to correct, and are inappropriate to feature in the Journal.
(4) D means the manuscripts cannot be reviewed for some reason. In this case, other reviewers will be selected immediately.
3. Points of Note for Reviewers
(1) Reviewers will conduct a review in accordance with the submission categories stipulated in the Submission Rules. Judgements such as “C as an Original Paper, but A if it is a Research Note” will not be made.
(2) Reviewers who indicated B should write a detailed reason for each part that needs correcting, including careless mistakes, on a separate sheet if necessary. As a general rule, new instructions or requests for corrections cannot be made after the second review. However, this does not apply to queries and amendments that occur as a result of revisions made by contributors.
(3) Reviewers must not contact contributors or other reviewers regarding the reviewing process until the decision has been made whether or not to publish the manuscript.
4. The Editorial Committee’s Decision on Whether or not to Publish
After the reviewers have graded the manuscripts, the Editorial Committee will decide whether or not to publish the submission based on the following criteria:
(1) When there are two reviewers, as a general rule a decision will be determined in the following way:
- The result of reviewing is two As - Approved for publication.
- The result of reviewing is one A and one B or two Bs - Needs to be corrected and then another review.
- The result of reviewing is two Cs - Not acceptable.
- The result of reviewing is one A and one C or one B and one C - A third reviewer will be selected.
(2) When there are three reviewers, as a general rule a decision will be determined in the following way:
- The result of reviewing is two As and one C - Approved for publication.
- The result of reviewing is one A, one B and one C - Needs to be corrected and then another review.
- The result of reviewing is one A and two Cs - Not acceptable.
- The result of reviewing is two Bs and one C - Needs to be corrected and then will be reviewed again.
- The result of reviewing is one B and two Cs - Not acceptable.
(3) When there is only one reviewer, as a general rule his or her decision will be followed.
5. Notification of Review Results
The Editorial Committee will promptly notify the contributor(s) as well as reviewer(s) of the result of the review.
(1) The contributor(s) of the manuscript will be notified by post of the result of the review and the reasons for that decision.
(2) The contributor(s) of the manuscript will be notified by post of the result of the review and the reasons for that decision, and will be asked to make corrections and re-submit the manuscript for another review when reviewers decide that it needs to be corrected.
6. Review of Re-submitted Manuscripts
(1) The reviewer who initially gave a B will conduct another review.
(2) When the manuscript is being re-reviewed, all the reviewers results and the response from the contributor(s) will be given to each reviewer.
(3) After that, the above procedures 4 - (1)(3) and 5 will apply.
7. Other
(1) If the Editorial Committee decides that there is a significant problem with publishing the applicable article, it can make a decision about publication after consultation with the reviewers.
(2) If the Editor-in-Chief deems it necessary that a newly submitted paper does not need to be sent for review, the paper may be rejected for publication after deliberation by the Editorial Committee.
These manuscript reviewing guidelines came into force on April 1, 2009.
Revised on July 19, 2014.
Revised on September 5, 2018.
Revised on September 12, 2021
Supplementary Provision: Revisions to the Manuscript Reviewing Guidelines are made by the Editorial Committee and reported to the Board of Directors.